EL*C has always put great attention in highlighting the issues faced by lesbians in healthcare. Healthcare systems that take into account and respond to lesbians’ needs is one of EL*C strongest demand.

The present report is a summary of the findings, data and information that we were able to collect in these years of work and collaboration with researchers, activists, experts and organisations engaging in countering the effects on lesbians of sexist and heteronormative oppression in healthcare.

Lesbians, being at the intersection of these societal issues, are particularly affected by them. This results in discrimination, disregard and ignorance of our specific needs as well as invisibility in research and data collection. Because of this, there are direct and worrisome consequences on lesbians’ physical and mental health and those institutions that perpetuate the system are directly responsible.

Many initiatives exist at the community level, many lesbians put work and expertise into this effort. We addressed this report to the UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, but our findings concern a much broader audience. The pandemic has put healthcare on the agenda and we could not fail to notice our underrepresentation and invisibility in those debates. It is time that public authorities, services providers, funders and academia start to take care of lesbians.

Download the full report here!

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