Jules Falquet is a Sociologist, currently living in Paris and working as a teacher at the University of Paris Diderot, where she is responsible for a Master in Gender and social and politcal change : transnational perspectives. She is a lesbian and feminist activist, theorist and writer deeply interested in, and comitted to, Latin-America and the Caribbean. Her 4 books, published in french, have also been translated and published into spanish : Pax Neoliberalia : feminist analisis of the global reorganization of violence (2016), De gré ou de force : les femmes dans la mondialisation (2008) (Willingly or not : Women in globalization), De la cama a la calle (From the bed to the street : lesbian theorization, 2010) and a novel called Izta, the crossroads (2002).
Lesbian and LGBTQI visibility seem to be on the rise in many countries. Prides are developping almost everywhere. But does this mean that we can be satisfied? We want to raise some uncomfortable but important questions: Are prides really political events that are useful for lesbian struggles or do they sometimes mainly serve commercial purposes, […]