Physical and mental health: enough with the invisibility of lesbians in medicine and nursing!

Lesbian* Project Room 2, 2nd Floor

They don’t let it rain on their parade: Protective factors for mental health and physical well-being in sexual minority women*
By Magdalena Siegel
Research Team: Magdalena Siegel, Katharina Reigbert, Christiana Nöstlinger, & Dorothea König

Sexual minorities, particularly sexual minority women*, face a heightened risk of developing mental or physical health problems compared to the heterosexually-identified population. The minority-stress model stipulates that these health disparities emerge because members of sexual minorities experience additional stress due to their (stigmatized) sexual identity. Little is known about protective factors for health outcomes, particularly for sexual minority women*. In our presentation, we give an overview on the minority-stress model and discuss findings on protective factors for health outcomes in sexual minority women*. We also present new evidence on the role of sexuality-specific parental support in sexual minority women*.

If you can’t name it, you can’t treat it! We demand professional nursing for lesbians!
By Gabi Stummer
The focus of the presentation about professional nursing will point out the major problems lesbians are exposed to. A neglect of good care is common due to the invisibility of Lesbians. In every day life of lesbians a shortage of good care is indicated. This deficit must be changed. In the discussion nursing experts*- who take part in the workshop – are asked to share their experiences in their specific field of nursing.