ENGLISH ( below in German )
# 08.10.2017 // 15:00-18:00 // Playfight_playful confrontation in the frame of the European Lesbian* Conference
The workshop ‘Playfight_playful confrontation’ is organised by Lau Lukkarila (FI/AT) and Carolina Frank (DE/AT). The workshop is open for all the conference participants as well as people from outside the conference, who consider themselves to have a connection to the word ‘lesbian*’. The workshop is welcoming people with any gender identity and people with any ability and/or disability to participate. The entrance, room and toilets are wheelchair accessible. No previous moving experience needed – the workshop is open for all levels.
Sunday 08.10.2017 // 3pm-6pm
Arriving from 2:30pm on / Beginning at 3pm. We recommend to come early!
Place: Garuda Warrior Academy, Diefenbachgasse 46, 1150 Wien
Costs: Fix price 8 EUR (to cover the room rent)
Please sign up to the workshop: Carolina_Frank@web.de (limited places)
We resonate with the following description from the conference organisers: “Our aim is to hold an inclusive European lesbian* conference. We insist on calling it a “lesbian” conference although we recognize that, as with any category or label, it may be contested and insufficient to describe the diversity of our communities. However, using the word “lesbian” is part of the political struggle for visibility, empowerment and representation. Anyone who considers themselves to have a connection to the word ‘lesbian*’ is invited to come and join us in our dialogues. We use ‚lesbian*’ with an asterisk to encourage a broad range of people to join us – yet we wish to promote the use of the term ‘lesbian*’ as there still remains a large political and cultural struggle for lesbian* visibility, empowerment and representation.“
# 08.10.2017 // 15:00-18:00 // Playfight_playful confrontation im Rahmen der European Lesbian* Conference
Dieser ‘Playfight_playful confrontation’ Workshop wird von Lau Lukkarila (FI/AT) und Carolina Frank (DE/AT) organisiert und ist für alle Teilnehmer_innen der Konferenz offen, sowie für diejenigen, die sich mit dem Begriff Lesbian* identifizieren können. Der Workshop ist für alle Gender Identifikationen, sowie für Menschen mit jeder Ability und/oder Disability offen. Der Eingang, der Workshopraum und die Toiletten sind barrierefrei zugänglich. Es ist keine vorherige Bewegungserfahrung notwendig – der Workshop ist für jedes Niveau offen.
Sonntag 08.10.2017 // 15:00-18:00
Ankommen ab 14:30 / Beginn 15:00. Wir empfohlen früh anzukommen!
Ort: Garuda Warrior Academy, Diefenbachgasse 46, 1150 Wien
Kosten: Fixbeitrag von 8 EUR (Da wir Raumkosten bezahlen müssen)
Bitte um Anmeldung unter: Carolina_Frank@web.de (beschränkte Teilnehmer_innenzahl)